Central Services to Support Teaching and Learning
Our approach to central services, rather than a centralised team for the Trust, allows us to draw upon experts from across our wider staff team and provide the best possible service to both associate and full members.
Our teams are able to provide a wide range of support from simple advice to the full provision of services such as IT Support, Governance and a named Data Protection Officer for the school. Our current services offer includes;
- Data Protection (GDPR)
- Estates and Capital Projects
- Finance and Audit
- Governance
- Health and Safety
- HR and Recruitment
- IT Services
- Marketing
- PREVENT and Safeguarding
- Procurement & Bid Writing
- Work experience planning, monitoring and support
Please contact our Chief Financial Officer in the first instance if you would like to explore the options for support with any of the above.
Eddie Shotton
E: eshotton@potteries.ac.uk
T: 01782 848736